Issue 2 / 2015


  • Penny, Daryl, Software on the Go – IP Protection for Mobile Apps, CRI 2015, 33-38
    With our increasing reliance on smart devices in everyday life, especially smartphones and tablets, and with the rise of wearable technology, mobile apps have become a multi-billion dollar industry, offering apps in diverse categories from games, social networking, music, and news to navigation, location-based services, medical, and banking. Mobile apps also provide businesses with a mechanism for direct and personalized access to customers. With the potential rewards high, but the pace of development likewise high, what measures are appropriate for protecting mobile apps? After a brief introduction (I.), this article focuses on whether and how patent rights can be obtained for mobile apps (II.), and also provides an overview of other forms of intellectual property rights and which aspects of mobile apps they may be used to protect (III.).


  • Brown, Neil, Law, Jurisdiction and the Digital Nomad, CRI 2015, 38-43
    Free movement is a central notion of the European community, and the Internet provides the capability for individuals to live a “locationless" existence, running their businesses and providing services from wherever they happen to be. However, whilst cyberspace may be without borders, the laws of physical countries still apply; and, for digital nomads, determining which laws apply, and which courts have jurisdiction, is no easy task.Four fundamental problems exist with the current regime: (1) determining when someone is dealing as a consumer, such that consumer-specific measures take effect; (2) determining the place of performance of a service, for working out the relevant jurisdiction; (3) the ongoing possibility of being sued in one’s domicile, determined by a geographically focussed legal construct without any bearing on a party’s actual life and links; and (4) the problems of determining to which country a contract performed across multiple states is more closely connected.This article considers each of these problems in turn, exploring some of the complexities in solving the underlying issues where parties to a contract may be highly mobile and effectively stateless, and examines very briefly the issue of online dispute resolution as an alternative approach.


  • Schwartz, Ira M., Copyright Issues in 3D Printing, CRI 2015, 44-47
    3D printing is about to revolutionize additive manufacturing. The article first reveals the early beginnings of copyright claims regarding 3D printing (I.) and then explored how 3D printing actually works (II.). This is then complemented with a presentation of activities which copyright permits (III.) before the typical areas are explored in which copyright infringement is likely to occur (IV.). The article rounds up with an analysis of a potential fair use defense (V.) a take on how copyright could be enforced (VII.).

  • , CRI 2015, 47-50
  • , CRI 2015, 50-53
  • , CRI 2015, 54-56
  • , CRI 2015, 56-60
  • , CRI 2015, 60-61


  • Panetta, Rocco, Italy: A New Integrated Approach to Boost Google Users’ Privacy Right, CRI 2015, 61-62
  • Loyd, Ian, UK: Inquisitive Jurors and the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, CRI 2015, 62-63

About the Authors

About the Authors, CRI 2015, 64

Verlag Dr. Otto-Schmidt vom 08.04.2015 11:55